Sponsor Spotlight: BoldGrid

BoldGrid Logo WordCamp Detroit Sponsor

BoldGrid is designed to elevate WordPress to be as robust and easy to use as any website builder.

The BoldGrid suite of tools empowers users of all types and skill levels – from developers to bloggers – to build and maintain powerful websites. This ecosystem of plugins allows you to easily create content with a drag and drop interface, optimize SEO for better rankings, automate your backups, and much more.

BoldGrid is proud to sponsor WordCamp Detroit to both encourage and help facilitate collaboration for WordPress enthusiasts.

Because the BoldGrid suite of tools and plugins are designed specifically for WordPress, the WordPress community is very important to the BoldGrid team. There is no better place to interface with the WordPress community than at WordCamps, where users from all different backgrounds and experience levels collaborate together.

Learn more about BoldGrid: boldgrid.com

Twitter: twitter.com/boldgrid

Facebook: facebook.com/boldgrid/


Thank you to BoldGrid for being a WordCamp Detroit Woodward Avenue Sponsor!